New friend :)
New friend :)
Hey! You should be grateful that gf is even letting you feel them! LOL
I mean, if you wanna I guess we can do it LOL
It's the piss rock!
She sucks his dick to save him from blue balls
Why tf is Mario there LOL
Cause hes epic lol
I'll pounce the expert
THEY HIT THE FUCKING PENTAGOOOOOOOOOOON!!! *Snif* turn on tv, doesn't matter which channel *dying gremlin sound*
*gives vee hug* Ur precious...
*Looks at my crush* I-I mean ur cool!
Im a kid that likes to draw, make music, and do animation and, hopefully, game developing!
Age 17, None binary (They/them)
Femboy School
Joined on 7/13/21